It’s very easy to doubt that GOD hears you. That’s why you are saved “through faith.” If you pray through faith, GOD will hear you!

“The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry.”Psalm 34:15 ~KJV

Have you ever wondered if your prayers ever make it to GOD—particularly those birthed out of difficulty, pain, and suffering? The insightful words from Bounds remind us of the significance of our prayers and so does Revelation 8:1–5. The setting is heaven (v. 1), the throne room of GOD and the control center of the universe. Angelic attendants stand in GOD’s presence (v. 2) and one angel, like the priests of old, offers Him incense along with the prayers of “all GOD’s people” (v. 3). How eye-opening and encouraging to have this picture of the prayers offered on earth rising to GOD in heaven (v. 4). When we think that our prayers may have been lost in transit or forgotten, what we see here comforts us and compels us to persist in our praying, for our prayers are precious to GOD!

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“Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands, as the evening sacrifice.”Psalm 141:2 ~KJV

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