Strategies to Overcome Low Self-Esteem

  • Image result for Strategies to Overcome Low Self-EsteemLearn who you are. …
  • Practice positive self-talk. …
  • Remember you are more than your appearance. …
  • Accept mistakes and failures. …
  • Remember you can’t please everyone (and shouldn’t try to) …
  • Celebrate your achievements.

Practice positive self-talk

Acknowledging and challenging negative thoughts go a long way to eradicating them, however you need to fill up the void of those negative thoughts with something else. Positive self-talk is the antithesis of negative thought and is an excellent way to begin rebuilding your self-esteem. Where the negative thoughts may have centred on an erroneous self-view, perhaps of yourself as a failure, weak and ineffectual, tell yourself instead that you are a success and a worthy, meaningful human being. If enough negative thoughts damages your self-esteem, it stands to reason that enough positive talk will help reshape your self-esteem.

Remember you are more than your appearance

Low self-esteem and internal negative talk is often centred on appearance. In these days of body image and body conscious thinking, it’s easy to lose sight of ourselves as a whole entity and see ourselves merely as a body shape. Often, negative thoughts surrounding appearance and body image are so ingrained by societal norms they need to be challenged using therapeutic techniques.  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT] teaches people to recognise irrational, and usually unshakable, thoughts and to challenge them head on. By challenging a negative thought, such as I am overweight therefore I am not worth much as a person, you may come to realise it actually has no basis in fact.

Accept mistakes and failures

Dwelling on mistakes and failures is a guaranteed way to convince yourself you are a failure, and cause a massive hit to your self-esteem. Further, low self-esteem is intrinsically wrapped up in failure, in that the person perceives not only a failed action or plan, but begins to internalize their whole sense of self as a failure. To overcome this, you need to let go of failures and mistakes and realize we all make them. This begins by recognizing that you made a mistake or failed at something; not that you are a failure or a mistake. Positive self-talk and CBT are great techniques to challenge thoughts about failing and making mistakes.

Remember you can’t please everyone (and shouldn’t try to)

One of the biggest hits to self-esteem you might ever face is when you’ve tried your hardest, given all you’ve got, and someone still isn’t pleased. This can leave you feeling worthless and devalued. However, just as you need to accept failure and mistake-making as part of everyday life, you also need to learn that you cannot and will not please everyone in life. Moreover, you need to accept that you shouldn’t spend your life trying to please everyone! If you are spending your entire life trying to please others, the one person you will inevitably end up disappointing is you. Remember, be true to you and have realistic expectations of yourself.

Celebrate your achievements

Just as you shouldn’t dwell on the mistakes and failures that happen in life for risk of these damaging your self-esteem, you should also seek to celebrate your achievements for an immediate self-esteem boost. We are too busy in today’s world to celebrate successes, instead we gloss over them and move from challenge to challenge. Yet in not celebrating our achievements, we are denying ourselves the chance to congratulate ourselves on a job well done. So celebrate the big stuff. Celebrate the small stuff. Celebrate that you make it out of bed every morning.

Low self-esteem is not something you need to live with. Whilst the world at large may play its hand in knocking your self-esteem, only you have the power to fight back and challenge the world, and see yourself for who you really are.

credit: Fearless Motivation

Read more on:Your Weakness is also an Asset


  1. The way we see ourselves…or as I once heard: “the reputation we have with ourselves” is so important for mental health. For overall health actually. I want to thank you for a very good post. It’s always good to read about what others have to say…it gives perspective. Thanks again!

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